What is Learning Like at Hope High Online?

What Is the Curriculum and Instruction Like?

School Where You Want

Whether you want to go to school in your pj’s or work online in a coffee shop or just be able to schedule school around life you will find Hope High Online gives you all those options. We are a free Arizona public charter school.

At Hope High Online learning is just not the same as other Arizona online high schools. All students at HHO learn individually and not in a virtual classroom. No Zoom calls and you have a full week to log your 25 hours that are needed for the State since we are a public charter school. 

Access to Teachers

Our courses are pre-recorded which allows the students to move through them at their own pace. You are given the option to complete 2 courses within 6 weeks or earlier if preferred. These courses offer a teacher for instruction but students also have daily access to our very own teachers. They are responsible for all grading and help with tutoring. Daily communication is common here! No more anxiety for final exams because they can be taken from your own home and proctored by one of our staff. 

At Your Pace

Our Hope High Online students can move through the courses quickly graduating early and working through the breaks including summer break or move at a slower pace like a traditional school in 4 years. The decision is yours! We offer different learning options because everyone learns differently.

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Hope High Online is a COGNIA-accredited, FREE Arizona charter school. We are a UNIQUE, 100% flexible, self-paced, personalized online school model with NO homeroom checks, daily Zoom calls, or required login times. Don’t worry…we have tons of real people support just a phone call or email away. You can start school now and enrolling is simple. Put yourself in the driver’s seat! Chat Now or get started with your enrollment.