A Parent’s Role in a Student’s Life When Attending School Online for Free

As parents, sometimes we can forget that our teenager has only been on this earth for less than two decades! Teenagers continuously experience new lessons and feelings. To connect better with your student, step back and examine situations through his or her eyes. At Hope High School Online, we partner with parents to help students … Read more

How to Let Go and Let Students Learn at an Arizona Virtual High School


Watching your teenager grow up can be an adventurous time for parents as teenage milestones are being met and graduation gets closer for your student. In the third and last part of the “Achieving Motivation” series for parents, Hope High School Online, an Arizona virtual high school, gives insight into the power of beginning to … Read more

High School Can be Tough

online high school in Arizona provides teenage parent resources

Did your once cooing, cuddly, smiling baby turn into a much taller version that obviously knows much more than you do? Do you fear your teenager’s eyes will get stuck in the back of their head from the constant eyeball rolling? And, is the homework battle now a 10.0 on the Richter scale? If you … Read more