Qualifications for our instructional staff are available in our front office. 


ESS Support

Hope High School Online operates under the oversight of Blueprint Education, a not-for-profit organization founded in 1969 that offers 9-12th grade students innovative educational opportunities to maximize each student's educational journey and equip them for a successful future.

Portrait of teen boy chatting on laptop in park.

Success When Traditional Schools Didn't Work

Jose: “You have no idea how meaningful what you've done for me is. I've been to 2 different schools (traditional schools) and teachers there would NEVER in a million years have done what you have. Thank you!”

Arizona online schools


“I overcame my mental battles and found worth in myself. I managed to graduate high school, while going to college, having a job, volunteering with Relay for Life and Miracle League of Arizona, and go to my church/Young Life organizations all within the same time frame.” - Emily


“Thank you for providing me the schedule these past couple years to develop my interests, personal well-being, and relationship with education. My teachers at Higley pushed for me to join an online school as my lack of creative control was developing a worn and negative state over my head.  I am indebted in Hope Online's generosity for providing this for me, the understanding and warmth that omits from the staff is groundbreaking to me! Thank you!” - Brittany

“I am a student diagnosed with autism, and have a high level for ADHD. I was struggling with transferring from class to class, and would disappoint teachers left and right. But coming to this school has made my life have a new light that shines, and helped me learn and become the person I want to be. Thanks Hope High School!” - Amanda

Arizona online high school

I am continuing to improve!

Cheyenne: I can't thank Hope High for how much support they give you. Went in today for help on a test and everything went better than ever. This school has helped me soo much since I've been enrolled. Thank you for all of your help and support. I can't thank you enough!!!”

Want More Information?

Call Us at 602-674-5555  |  Text Us at 602-663-8496