Hope High School Online
2225 W. Whispering Wind Dr.
Suite #205
Phoenix, AZ 85085
Enrollment Information
Call: 602-906-4846
Text: 602-663-8496
Main Office:
TEL: 602-674-5555
FAX: 602-943-9700
Monday through Friday
8:30am to 5:00pm

Technical Support
For technical support in your courses,
please contact Edgenuity:
877-202-0338 (option 3)
Special Education
Child Find
Procedural Safeguards & Parent Rights
Click here to view our current enrollment packet. This is what you can expect to complete.
McKinney Vento
HHSO Homeless Liaison
Caitlin Savage
(602) 906-4878
Public Notice
Foster Care Transportation
Public Notice
Hope High School Online Contact Information
Hope High School Online, an award-winning Arizona online high school, is committed to effective communication with our students and families. Our contact information includes the office phone, e-mail, office hours, and fax number. There is also a map to help you locate our offices, where our Arizona online high school students are welcome to join us for tutoring and testing. There is also an online chat function on the Hope High School Online website, as well as the ability to view the site in Spanish at the click of a button.
At Hope High School Online, we are committed to serving our students and family. We believe communication plays an important role in student success. Our dedicated staff stays in consistent contact with our students and parents, and we are very responsive when you reach out to us. Our Arizona online high school students come to our offices for tutoring, testing, and support.
Schedule a time to come over, we'd love to see you! Contact us by phone or e-mail us—we'll get back to you! And be sure to connect with us on social media and check out our latest news so that you don't miss anything going on at Hope High School Online!