Get Excited About Math During Math Awareness Month

virtual high school

To answer the age-old question that every high school student asks, “Why do we have to learn this stuff, and when will we ever use this in real life?”…. You will use math for the rest of your life in many different ways! During Math Awareness Month you can learn why actively engaging in understanding … Read more

The Importance of Your Student’s Health and Their Learning Environment

Arizona online high school

Sometimes the traditional classroom environment cannot accommodate a students’ learning needs. This can be especially true if a student is struggling with health concerns. Students with chronic illnesses, injuries, or social/emotional challenges might need the Arizona online high school option to provide a flexible, supportive learning environment where their health needs can be more easily … Read more

Thriving and Surviving With Your Teenager at an Arizona Online High School

Arizona school at home free

Remember when you first realized that your student needed a change from traditional high schools?  And you started looking at different options, including Arizona online high school?   A lot goes into the decision to choose a different type of education for high school. Taking advantage of free online high school is a great choice … Read more

Eliminating Stress from Big Projects and Big Tests at an Arizona Online School

Arizona Online School

As a high school student, regardless of whether you attend an Arizona online high school or a ground campus, big projects and tests are an inevitable part of the high school experience.  You are being prepared to succeed in life, not just high school, and both college and jobs require successful project completion and testing.  … Read more

High School Can be Tough

online high school in Arizona provides teenage parent resources

Did your once cooing, cuddly, smiling baby turn into a much taller version that obviously knows much more than you do? Do you fear your teenager’s eyes will get stuck in the back of their head from the constant eyeball rolling? And, is the homework battle now a 10.0 on the Richter scale? If you … Read more

Arizona Online School Shares the Voting Process in Arizona (Election 2018)

Arizona online school voting lesson

Arizona Online School Teaches Practical Applications in Social Studies Class A few weeks ago, upon completing his US/AZ Government class, a student at Hope High School Online, the Arizona online school where I teach social studies, mentioned to me, “This is great, I learned a lot, but how do I actually cast my ballot?”  This … Read more

Arizona Public Online School Where Hope Changes Everything

Arizona online public school

Hope: It Changes Everything at Our Arizona Public Online School How many of us have run into stumbling blocks in our lives? How many of these obstacles have almost been paralyzing…..have they shook life as you knew it causing confusion, sadness, fear, disappointment, and stagnation? Most of us have experienced something like this in our … Read more